Big in Japan…

Saturday afternoon had arrived before I awoke feeling worse for wear, I could easily have stayed in bed… damn Alex and the dodgy noodles! (what else could it have been)

I had made up my mind to head for Tokyo Station and some sightseeing and as it happened there was not a lot to see so I wandered around pointlessly for a while before entering a ten-story electronics store. I was greeted by a singing and dancing robot whose eyes followed me around it was very cute but utterly pointless. There was a whole floor dedicated to phone accessories and similarly headphones I would never believe so many types existed.

And 8k TV caught my eye but I didn’t think I could get it in my hand luggage…

Eventually I bored of looking at things I couldn’t buy and went to find lunch I the station, the collection of shops was very odd and they even still have Pokémon shops.

Matt had messaged to say he’d arranged for us to meet Tom, Alex and Mongo (yep you read it right and it means something worse in Japanese) for 8pm to watch the Arsenal and Tottenham game, I hadn’t seen any sport since I’d been here. The game had turned out to be awful but did at least allow me to order a greasy burger in the pub (plus several pints) and as the clock ticked toward Midnight a decision had to be made… stay out for the England v Wales Six Nations or get back to Matt’s and watch?  The lure of a comfy sofa won, and we headed back with takeout beers in hand.

England duly won and for the second day running I hit the bed after 5am.

Determined not to sleep to the afternoon I duly woke at 12.30 and the morning had gone, no matter I would hit Electric Town which had been described to me as odd. Now Japan is already odd, so this threatened to be an experience… I will let the pictures talk for me…

For a straight-laced community Japan has an obsession with almost podophilic manga porn. The Maid shops were basically girls dressed as maids spoon feeding grown men! There is some serious repression in this country.

The most disturbing scene involved a family with young children walking around the Manga Porn section which was graphic in the extreme!

I don’t think I will ever understand Japan, I like the place and will be back but I will never actually get it.

After several heavy nights Matt and I made an early call to watch the Villa v Blues game at his place and give the alcohol a miss, I finally got to bed before midnight, and wouldn’t you know it couldn’t sleep.

Shrugs out